That’s the sound I wanted, and the way to get it was powered by electricity. My infatuation with the 6-string really blasted off with the Ventures.

I have a love-hate relationship with acoustic guitars. An additional benefit to this type of setup is that you have access to all the HX Stomp effects as well, so compression, modulation, delay, and reverb are readily available for your acoustic processing needs. You can then use your Stomp’s FX send port to connect it to a plain external DI and configure your specific electric and acoustic presets so they output to the correct port. Several purveyors produce acoustic IRs that you can load as effect blocks on your Stomp (3 Sigma Audio and Worship Tutorials are two). Alternatively, if your rig already contains something like the Line 6 HX Stomp ($649 street), you can use it to process and route your acoustic signal. You can replace your simple DI with something like Fishman’s Aura Spectrum ($399 street) or LR Baggs’ Voiceprint ($399 street), which use impulse responses (IRs) and DSP to produce realistic miked and in-the-room sounds from a humble undersaddle bridge pickup. If you want to go beyond the straight piezo-pickup sound of your acoustic, consider acoustic imaging. The line between exciting and execrable can be very thin.

Accidentally engaging one could lead to some surprising-and painfully loud-results. If you wind up sharing effects between acoustic and electric, be cautious about the settings of your overdrives and distortion pedals. You can alter this arrangement by putting additional effects after the A/B switch and in front of your DI or sharing effects in both chains by putting your A/B switch after your electric-guitar effects. You’ll need to be careful here as you can accidentally send electric guitar to FOH or acoustic guitar to your backline amp if you lose track of the state of your A/B switch.

Switching the A/B selector back to the electric will effectively mute the DI output to front-of-house. Turn off the effects in your electric chain, particularly overdrives and distortions, to keep the white noise from the deselected backline amp at a minimum. Whenever you select your DI, the electric chain will be muted. Maybe you’d like to have only one instrument cable into your rig? Put a simple A/B switch in front of your first electric pedal and the DI.